Saturday, February 19, 2005

moved to

i told you at 10:32 AM

Friday, February 18, 2005

I'm bloody happy.
So, I shall start blabbering nonsensical stuff here.
So if You're too busy to read this, give it a miss.
Cause its full of crap, I swear.

And I know that I said/typed that I'm NOT gonna blog anymore
BUT hey? Sorry, I guess?
This week has been nthg but FUN harha
And further more, I'm in the Zone & have the time now.. hee
My mind's a lil fragmented right now so I'm gonna blog bits & pieces
So if You're still reading... bare with me please =)

Can You believe it??
We were last this morning & NOW, we're SECOND!!!!

You could see it in EVERYONE's FACE when they wanted to announce the rankings
We simply admitted defeat
"6th position..." All of us were like "... Just clap. Just clap..."
A smile started to form
"5th position...." All of us were like, "Us larh.. clap larh"
We straighten Our body when it's a no
"4th position..." We were like, "Sure us, sure us.."
We clapped.
"3rd position..." We were like, "YAY! 3RD!!!.."
When it was still a No, ALL OF US SCREAMED!

We accepted cum knew that We were 2nd.
After Isabel did their cheer, We did Ours
Equally as loud as though... We were the Champion House.
Gosh, funny please.
ALL of Us were like SO happy..
From last to 2nd =)

Didnt expect today to be THIS fun please.
Ran around everywhere
I was bloody high

Mitzi asked Me to help since Elaine's swimming
So i dragged Bubu
Then Ruth & Sylvia came
We were insane!!

Alicia is it? The bungish tcher?
Whoa, She asked Us to cheer every minute :
And I'm proud to say that the Caroliners did pretty darn well =)
Didnt expect it to be THAT loud harha
Oh btw, We had only 3 cheers.
How bloody pathetic please, grr...
That's only bcause Sharon Chio [sp?] said that We cant do the cheers that they are doing..
Whoa if like that then Isabel & Marie [?] cant do the "Everywhere we go.." cheer larh??
Heck, it's under the bridge =}

I asked Ferlai to go flag the other side with Me
So We ran there, like some run away patients flagging
Then some girl [that carried a toy everywhere she goes, WHO refuses to tell Me Her name ], brought another flag so Ferlai held that too.
Then Sylvia & Ruth came
Gosh, Our flagging were... hmmm... Unsightly? Horrible? Failed?
Yesh please.
Then Candice & Nicole came
Harha asked Candice to bring the Tiger Flag over & Gin Ni took that

Gin Ni is officially a Caroline Member

Whenever Caroline's name were mentioned, Our flag rose. Hahahaha as though We were in the NDP

Have You seen pple carrying flags while running?
Isnt it pretty? The flags straighten out like that?
YESH, I wanted THAT
But NOOOO!!!!
Candice ran 1st, followed by Me than Ruth [Tiger Flag] then Sylvia
Candice & I were okay larh
But Ruth "This is not funny.. Lala, Not funny..." repeatedly
Sylvia, "I hit someone! I hit someone!!..."

Then mitzi asked us to come back so the sec1s took over
They were GREAT!
They were screaming at the top of their lungs
And I got slapped by the girl with the pom poms
She was too ento, erm I dont know her name either
None of Them wanted to tell Me their names... WHYYY???
They told Me names like "Mad girl" & etc
So I gave up asking, HAHA

Then I went to the toilet to company Michelle
Saw Natasha & Co.
I was like, "YOU! Why YOU never go cheer?? HA??"
Then She said She will & I made a pinky [sp?] promise with Her
Walked out of the toilet with Them
Made Them sit infrnt. -Laughs
Then We cheered.
Natasha was malu, She kept covering Her face & cheered in My direction cos Sharon Tong & Rachel Sng were staring at Her
So.......... I HAD to cover My ears

Then erm erm... I CANT RMB
BUT applauds For WONG LAY CHENG please.
She swam REALLY fast.
Everyone's impress... especially Hadley =)

Then arh... Ruth & I went over to LPP & Elis that grp.
They were All Isabel pple please!!
So, We were out numbered.

OH! I was bare footed the whole time cos I had blisters
HAHA and I cldnt break
HAHAHHAA round the curb, thank God Iris & Co. were there to stop Me =)

Walked down towards Cherie with a box of 20 nudgets
So I was like giving out nudgets. harhha
Ate only a few cos half of it was cherie's..

Tong said I'm forever eating.
hahah was I? But I know, I drank alot

Went back with a whole bunch of crazy pple

OH before that!!
A car was coming from the back
So I was like, "Girls, Can Y'all please move to Your [pause... & points to the Left]
At that point of time, I didnt know what My Left was called....?
SO Natria, Lay Cheng, Xuan, Hadd & whoever whoever..
ALL of them were like, "LEFT!"
Whoa... maluating please............ harhahhahaha


Cant rmb exactly but roughly, trng was at six?
So I had 5 hours to kill?
Erm it was fun larh
TRIED to do My hmk but yeah...
RUth & I played every cca there was, excluding erm swimming
I cant play bbal for nuts

having dinner outside

TO BE CONTINUED, i guess? hahahahha
See My mood


i told you at 6:52 PM

Thursday, February 10, 2005

I totally broke My promise/record!!!!
I went & yarh.. I saw or rather I read

too bad, it's over![??]
Aint it obvious that it's over?
no regrets..
It's obvious that You dont have any either
would be..
Note the words You used.. it's "would be", smthg that supposed to but didnt happen
And arent You glad/relief that it didnt

Anyway, Alicia.. Happy 18th to You & Your prettyGirl

From today onwards, this blog has officially come to a halt
Wont be updating anymore.
Well, at least not here..

All thanks to Michelle,
I got that an jing song stuck in My head
The tune that is larh & 4lines [HAHA]
She kept singing [bits & pieces] or rather humming since She, herself doesnt know the words
Funny pls.
Is it always like that?
All convent girl/pple are lousy in their mother tongues?

i told you at 6:55 PM

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Ytd was bloody FUN!
2 months, ytd.

A minute after I told Devaki not to worry cause choosing 4c is like 1 in a million or at least picking her no. is like 1 in a million...
Mr Sew chose 4c & instantly, we grabbed each others hand
Devaki stared at Me when she was the "lucky" one
We were laughing our head off

Went out with Sunshine, Sexy & Kiri
Watched "let's dance?" is it?
With Ruth & Candice too =)
Or smthg to that extent larh, it was freaking funny pls
I was laughing so hard that I had tears in My eyes
won't You dance with Me? I'll teach You

Then we walked around to pick a present for Sexy's mama
Gosh, she doesnt look like her age pls.

Went to Ang Mo Kio to meet Michelle
She asked to go over to Alicia's place
They gave me HORRIBLE directions & ended up with Me taking a cab
I pictured Rozand to be pretty BUT gawd was she BEAUTIFUL!!

You know how stupid it look falling into the swimming pool while taking a photo?
Harha yeah
I always thought that wld only happen in a movie
But it happened to Us harhaa
Alicia wanted a picture with Rozand by the pool
Michelle said "back" & Alicia took a BIG step & she went in
She got a cut on her hand though HAHA

AND I SERIOUSLY dont know why but Michelle & I hair-dried Alicia's tshirt
SO funny okay
We were talking & talking then her maid was like, "what you doing?? no need no need"
THEN, We realised that We were doing smthg rather pointless ?

They TRIED teaching Me how to play Mahjong [sp?]
Note that word "tried" harha
Alicia, Rozand & eventually Michelle gave up
So we played Dai Di [sp?]
HArha that, I can play
We gambled using M&Ms, Mentos & whatever sweet there was larh
Super lame pls
And Michelle & I gang up

Played bluff
Michelle OBVIUSLY dont trust ME??!?!
Blink Blink You larh!

Oh, We made a vow NOT to use vulgarities anymore
So it's blink blink now

Here I go, scream My lungs out & try to get to You.
You are My only One.
I let go, but there's just No one that gets Me like You do.
You are My only one.
Made My mistakes, let You down.
And I cant, I cant hold on for too long.
Ran My whole life to the ground.
And I cant, I cant get up when You're gone"

Ok, I take back the part where I said Michelle can sing
She lost so Alicia asked Her to sing
So She sang that that "And I will always love you.." song?
She was like, " And IIIIII will alllllways looove..."
All was okay until... the part "YOooooU"...
WHOA, PAINFUL!!! harhahah
Alicia threw a pillow at Her.
Then we cldnt stop laughing..
And She blushed [aww]
Hahahah =)
Michelle dad dropped Me off.

Alicia, I STILL don't know what to get Her

"I'm sorry I cant be perfect" I hate it when we fight...

/Love the bracelet

i told you at 4:02 PM

Saturday, February 05, 2005

I was born to make You crazy HAPPY
THAT was the joke of the week -shy

You’re wrong.
I’m not going to kill You LARH cause the entry is funny, I think?
Hah, be loyal cum grateful.
Sunshine is taken & You have Your +You, REMEMBER?
And Yesh, Sunshine is the best.
That, I have to agree =)

Right, this week passed really fast, dont Yall agree?
Feeling weird though cause there was only 1 training this week?
Used to be the other way round, right?
Having only 1 day off? Scary please.

Cant remember what happened each day larh
And Im not gonna bother recalling each event.
Feeling rather lethargic, tuition just ended.
Need to go down delta later by 3
Which also mean that I cant go to Xylems party, fuck it.
I will try to swing by with Snow larh.
Say if She is not there then all of Your shoes will be in danger
HAHA [inside joke]

Oh, I have 2 new partners. Beam.
Hadley is my kungfu partner & Mun Hui is my malu-ating partner.

Thursday was great!
House practice though we got pissed at times cause of the *cough umpiring
But whatever, heck =)
I tell You, the ball always got in btwn Bubu's legs
HAHA like a magnet and best part was,
Pple will whacked whacked
So she just stood there, looking scared. haha

Kungfu partner gave me THAT stare when I went over to the table
Gosh, she looked like she had something against me please.
Then I dont know what happened & we became partners.
She wanted to hit me with her weapon which was actually a... TOWEL.
The best part was, she tripped & landed on her butt.
Hahaha. Sorry partner, my parent taught me not to lie... THAT was funny! =))

All of us dissed *her & later, we found out that *she heard. Ha.
Guess she isnt deaf huh?
John Jacob... Lalala.

Meiyi is Chiko Monster?? HAHA
She loves to see PPLE IN SWIM WEAR =))

Went back in a group.
Official Nurse, Phloem, Kungfu Partner, Pei, Preena, Ash, Claudine, Partner & someone, I think that is all?

Squeezed our way up the bus.
Use yw's skills! - Pei
Hold on to each others bags. Don't get separated! -Me
PUSH! PUSH! PUSH! -Kungfu Partner
Hadd, Guess what? It's a GIRL -Me
Nolarh, Both? HAHAHA - Kungfu Partner

Gosh We were loud.
Harha. Laughing/Joking the journey back.
And sad to say larh, kungfu partner's joke was erm, wasnt a success?
Hahaha rather it ended a bit sickly all thanks to our creative/imaginative/polluted mind =)) Red pumpkin juice [Grin]
To find out more, please click Hadley. Harha! She blogged it out!! Hahaha.
Best part was, STC beat CGSS in the train.
CGSS surrendered & waited for the next train!! HAHAH.

Kungfu Partner is scary when shes high.
She is a danger to the society when she is high
Really, Whoa.
How queer.
Both of us thought that other party despises but in fact, we DONT.
HAHA. Cor! Sounds familiar??

Friday was great too.
Nat drew me a balloon. Harha.
Official Nurse gave me her Chinese New Year kuihs =))
I like the peanut one!!

The talk was funny.
The lady sat with her leg open & we could see her silky blue undergarment :/
I was like, Should I tell? Should I?
Guess she heard it cause she crossed her leg & sort of blush.
Nat told me something & I regretted not not being there... HAHA!

Everyone had something on so I went over to Michelle’s place.
Funny please.
Listen to Yellowcard’s Cd & boy, can She sing =)

Then Valery msged & I couldnt stop smiling.
Val! Don’t tempt me please!!!!

Cant remember what happened on Monday & Tuesday.
Wont blog about Wednesday, ha.
Thanks, I can count on You to do that then.

Sheralynn : Gosh, doubt You will see this but I am sorry for making You cry :/ it wasnt directed at You only WHAT but whatever larh. Sorry anyway? Peace.

I am glad Im not the chairperson anymore =))
And Xuan REALLY look scary when she is pissed please.
Never seen that part of her before :/

Sunshine thanks.
You better hush or the movie’s off -stare

i told you at 1:58 PM

Friday, February 04, 2005

well, i'm helping lala to blog
she's busy with god-knows-what
and also because i'm gettin really fucked up wasting my clicks

i dont know what is up with her pword larh?
tell me, anyone?
erm come to think about it, i dont know what to blog about
nvm, i'll just smoke my way thru larh

oh well,
wednesday night was a horrible night for her & ME
thanks to her, i went to sch with puffy eyes & slept thru pratically 2periods
oh and how could i forget?
THNKS to her, i had to let michelle vent her anger on Me today.
stupid quarrel know, the both of you have
i wish i could just let her drown [knowing that she CANT swim] for a while
and jumps in to "rescue" her from this stupidity of hers.
i'll be Your hero & get killed my donkey's jealousy =)
everybody's dream-way to die
-why do i have a feeling that She's gonna kill me when she reads this?

i'm also having a girl problem
so if +You are reading this,

wait, THIS is karmila's blog

fucked it, girl
read *her blog
do some contrasting with marc's and hers please.

stop it, she's getting on My nerves & please,
i like your sunshine [whoever she is]
i love her attitude
rmb 4moredays til the 8th -pointstothatdonkeyofYOURS

we'll put that marimo on a plate
placed it in the middle of the field
under the bright Yellow ball
then cross and tear the pages in Your black book
and and what Your want to do with the rest? harha
i'll let you have fun
oh ask sunshine to come along, she sounds evil & scary

oh btw, she [as in little miss shorty karmila] said for the summary of ytd [?] go to hadley's blog?

ok, i'm getting bored. har..

i told you at 5:04 PM

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Firstly for ALL of You in LPP's class:
That's not how it goes!!!
LPP said that there WAS a girl MANY MANY years back that said, "Metal bra".
I SIMPLY said that She MAYBE right cause y'all know?
The women warriors MANY MANY years back uses metal bras??
EVEN Madonna uses it in one of Her video clip!!!

Totally lost count the no. of time I had to explain the WHOLE story.
First thing I said when I entered chem lab was "Mrs. Lim! How cld You??"
Whoa, She laughed bloody loud and said, "No larh, I wldn't dare. Karmila so fierce HAHAHA"
Like practically She told 4d, 4e & 3c LARH!!!
And worst is that She didnt tell them frm A to Z.
Roar pls?

LPP said that I need to go couselling cause Jes told her that I was "crying" in the toilet when She asked me if I was okay.
And She's gonna come counselling with Me cause She's THE cause of it!!

Sch was alright.
Nthg much happened except THAT.
Had physical.

Hey there. Promised YOU one.
Come on, don't be like that now. Smile, alright? Don't be so insecure alright? She loves YOU more than YOU think. I can and will bet a 100 bucks on that now. I'm positively sure that She does. Gosh, DONT throw YOUR 7months just like that now.. Both of YOU look GREAT together. Prefect and YOU know it. [ Saying with total jealousy =) ]
Gosh, I'm sorry for My first respond when YOU called. HArHA what do YOU expect, it was 033+!! But on the bright side, YOU were My alarm clock. Harha. I hope I help pls. Cant rmb what i said most of the time. HAHAHA. sorry! HURRY! Read her blog.. It's for YOU! -Smiles. Rmb 2moredays. Enjoy it.

Talked to cynthia in the morning.
Funky hair!!!
Phoo, She told me the "insides" pls.
Exchanged no. then yeah.. hahha

HELLO. HARHA. I tell YOU, YOU better turn off the tap k?? Or I'll tell. Chin UP. 1more game. Smiles alright? hhaha. Vent YOUR anger on the next alright? Thrash them. Whack the opponents that come in YOUR way!! Tc!!

Met Alicia Tan in town.
Alicia cut her hair!! So cute!!! [/melts]
Walked ALOT searching for Her present.
Stressful pls.
Everything was "not Her", grr.
But I found something.. =)
Sorry, I had to ask her to be My spy.

Me : Can I have this pls?
Salesgirl : HA?
Me : Can I have this pls?
Salesgirl : What?
Salesgirl : That's the only 1 left & someone BOOKED it.
Me : WHAT?? HOW??
Salesgirl : ... New stock coming in on the 14th which is a Monday. Is it for v'day?
Me : [ Walked away ]
Alicia : No no. Need it for the 8th. URRR-Gent. Can CAN??
Girl : NO no. CANN NOTT.
Alicia : Cute, HAR HAR.. NOT.
Girl : [ Glare ] You can pay extra for it to come EARLIER. TWENTY.. 20 bucks? 20.
Alicia : I got it once. Cystal clear LARH. You know crystal? Yesh, very clear.

Horrible service.
And gawd, You're expensive.
But it's oklarh.

Bought Liy's present
Took 190 back.
I have NO idea why she took 190 too when her house is WHERE??
Anyway, I saw [fill-in-the-blanks]
And I was like gasps
What were You doing outside RGS?
Was that Your gf?
She's VERY pretty.

Reached cck and Michelle msged, "307 infrnt. Race. Bus stop infrnt of lot1"
Said Bye to Alicia when the door opened and bloody hell..
Pushed the guy infrnt of Me.
HAHAHA, I'm sorry!
She reached first.. grr.
So fun =)

when I said "dont reply".... I ACTUALLY wannt You to reply [sigh]
I wished You had replied the way I replied last time when You told be that ... and I said back the same only with an additional "..too"
Like I said, "A wish is only a word".

/Im emor isede very thing Yous aid by hard
i told you at 7:40 PM

| zerosix |
30th April 1989
4 saint clare'04

you =))

.: scream :.

kui noi
melissa ng
neng hui
pei han
rachel tan
wee jia
